The Art of The Written Word

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The Art of the Written Word or Just Business?
I hear so many writers speak of twisting their story ideas to ‘fit’ the publisher of choice. They squeeze their novels into the suffocating molds the publishing houses find most lucrative. I think this is absolutely wrong!
Writing is an art. Yes, it is also a business. Folks want to be able to make a living on what they write. I understand that point, but to me it is like prostitution to write only what sells instead of writing the story that burns in your soul.
I want to be a successful author as well as the next and that includes making money. The initial draw, however, is to write down the stories in my head that I feel must be told, to leave behind a part of myself and to fully embrace that part that is truly me. These things are, by far, more important than any financial gain.
It is a shame and a crime that some big houses are so driven by the ‘bottom line.’ They look at works for their marketability, making sure the writing is dumbed-down to appeal to the masses—cookie-cutter books, books that sell. They prefer formula pieces that are used over and over again ad nauseam, no great literary works…that takes too much time, effort and money to produce. What a terrible thing to do to the art of the written word.
 How do you feel about it?
Take this off SWS’ blog. Only business related posts should go there.